USAO regents approve tuition increase

August 7, 2014
The latest USAO Regents meeting was held Tuesday, June 10 at 1:30 p.m. in the conference room in the president’s office.
Students may notice changes after the Regents approved the $12.9 million budget for the 2014-15 fiscal year. A tuition increase of 8.3 percent was approved because of increased expenditures and a need for revenue.
Full-time students enrolled in 12-18 credit hours will have a tuition rate of $3,135 per trimester. This new flat rate model is based on 15 credit hours per trimester, so if a student takes 18 credit hours a trimester, they will essentially be taking a class for no additional cost.
Before the decision was made to increase the tuition rate, opinions were requested from students. Much of this was based on information presented by USAO Student Government Association President Chris Collins.
One of the chief expenditures on campus is for repairs being done to the Lawson building. The bulk of the work is being completed on doors, and was set to be finalized by the end of June.
The Regents also elected a new chair for the upcoming year. David McLaughlin of Enid, Okla., replaced outgoing Chairwoman Hilary Kitz, of Tulsa, Okla.
The new vice chair of the Regents Board is Regent Chris Mosley of Chickasha and the new board secretary is Regent Mo Anderson, of Edmond, Okla.
The next meeting is slated for Tuesday, Sept. 9 at 1:30 p.m.