Editor’s Note – April 17, 2023

Laura Barrios Bardi

Managing Editor Paul Tointigh gives a look into the final two weeks of the trimester, as well as encouragement to students as finals approach.

Paul Tointigh, Managing Editor

Hey there Drovers! We have now reached the last two weeks of school. Emily and I know that this time can be stressful as finals week is next week, but we encourage you to push through to the end. Remember that summer is right at our doorstep. I am excited to pack the bags, and I know that the rest of campus is too. As we all prepare for summer, The Trend continues chugging along, and will do so throughout the summer months.

This week kicks off with our seventh and final meeting of the trimester. It makes me sad to see that we have reached our final meeting, but these meetings have helped The Trend reach so many of its goals for this spring trimester. As always, the meeting will take place in the Music Pocket in Nash Library. The meeting time is Monday, April 17th, at 4 p.m. We will discuss how the trimester has gone for The Trend, and what we have in store regarding the summer. If you are interested in what The Trend will do for the summer, or want to try and write an article for us, this meeting is for you.

As many of our staff members scramble around during this last week of classes, our schedule for the week is a little unsure. We have ideas in the works, and will soon see what comes of them. It just means readers will have to keep their eyes out for any unmentioned articles.

Early this week, Gary Jackson will give readers an insight to how the Oklahoma Collegiate Media Association (OCMA) conference went last week for The Trend and its staff. Emily and I witnessed a lot of excitement among our staff as they conversed with other student-led newspapers and chatted with professionals in the field. The conference was stocked full of useful information, which The Trend plans to utilize soon.

Matthew Yokum decided to get into the country swing and review Morgan Wallen’s Album “One Thing at a Time.” Yokum said that he does not listen to country on a regular basis, so a review of this genre is something that is like driving on a new backroad. What will Yokum’s conclusion be for this album?

As always, if you are interested in writing for The Trend or have any ideas, send us an email or stop by our office! Our email is trend@usao.edu and our office is located in Davis Hall 117. Emily and I are there to talk if our door is open. Be sure to follow on our social media platforms including, @thetrendusao on Instagram, @thetrend_usao on Twitter, and The Trend on Facebook to keep up with the latest articles and news as we go through the summer. Our owl, Opal, will be present on all of The Trend’s social media platforms so you know you are in the right place.

With finals week next week, I want to encourage you to try your hardest and put your best into them. This is what the school year has been building to, and we are almost there! Drive the homestretch well Drovers; your managing editor is rooting for you.

With that said, this will be my final Editor’s Note for the trimester. I appreciate your time reading, and I look forward to writing to you again in the fall with more exciting news as The Trend covers what is going on at USAO!


Paul Tointigh is a third-year Communication major at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.