Editor’s Note – April 24, 2023
In her final note of the trimester, Emily Loughridge says congrats to the graduating students and discusses the multitude of articles for the week.
April 24, 2023
Is it just me or does it simultaneously feel like January and May all in one breath? In the end, it doesn’t matter because all anyone can focus on is finals week. The most dread, ironically, most exciting week of the trimester. Dreaded because of the stress, studying, exams, papers, projects, oh my! Yet, exciting because it means a three-month long break – for most of us!
First, congratulations to every single person who will walk across the stage with Saturday. You have done your time here and emerged victoriously with diploma in hand! You are who everyone aspires to be – a full fledged adult with a college degree! It’s time to get out into the “real world” and get to work! We wish you all the best of luck from The Trend, and know that we will be cheering you on every step of the way.
As we all know, the last week of the trimester is an extremely busy one, and it is no different for The Trend. We have a wild mix of articles for this week and one big goal in mind (trust me when I say this: you will know if we hit this goal!)! Topics such as our atheltes, who miraculously are playing during finals week, to USAO’s new podcast to a column about a chicken. The Trend’s plate is full this week to ensure that you have the best week possible on campus before you return home for the summer.
Monday, aka dead day for this week, does not appear that way for The Trend. Paul Tointigh lit the midnight oil this week. Tointigh chatted with members of the podcasting class, offered by the Communication Department, as they look forward to posting their first, official podcast Monday. What is this podcast and what is it covering? Tune in to Tointigh’s article and the podcast itself very soon.
Preston Palm translated his notes from USAO’s softball games this weekend into an article detailing the games, the tense moments, and what exactly happened. Oklahoma Panhandle State University (OPSU) is ranked higher than the Drovers, but did they live up to that ranking? Palm’s article will publish early this week with all the details.
Still hot off his first-place award from the Oklahoma Collegiate Media Association (OCMA), Gary Jackson looked into the recent updates to the 24/7 computer lab in the basement of Nash Library, as well as a few other recent changes. The Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institution (NASNTI) has used their funds to help upgrade several areas on campus. Jackson looked to see if they had any other projects in mind and what this means for students. His article will air early this week.
USAO’s golf programs traveled to Texas for their conference play Monday and Tuesday. Caleb Smith and Addysyn Asmus detail different plays that occurred as well as the outcomes of the tournaments in their respective articles, which will splash across the front page in the middle of this week.
Towards the end of the week, I picked up my pen and learned about one of our students who received an opportunity to get one step closer to their dream. This individual is well-known around campus for her hard-work and genuine personality. In this feature article, I walk through her journey and give an insight to who she is.
To wrap up the week, and the spring trimester, Tointigh brings the figure of Mr. Chicken into the public’s eye and allows Mr. Chicken to express a few words on interaction and common courtesy of crossing the street. To understand Tointigh’s full message, refer to our page Friday morning.
Once again, congratulations to all of the graduating seniors. You have dutifully put in the work these last few years and you will finally have the diploma to hang on your wall. The Trend is looking forward to your future endeavors and successes. In this next journey, do not forget the people that helped you along the way and the lessons they shared.
The Trend will remain active this summer, so those interested in writing please contact us and please continue to check out our social media accounts. It’s been a whirlwind of a trimester! Thank you for the viewership, the engagement, the writing, and everything else this spring. We couldn’t do this without all of you. Good luck and have a truly wonderful summer!
Emily Loughridge is a second-year Communication major at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.