Campus Intramurals Get New Director, Look to Add New Sports


Courtney Cheesman

With fall comes colorful leaves, chilly breezes, and intramural sports. Intramurals are recreational sports organized within a specific area or organization. Intramurals are typically co-ed, but the teams on USAO’s campus are predominately male. If you’re interested in finding out more about how to get involved or just know more about them, look no further.

Currently USAO offers sports such as flag football, volleyball and dodge ball, Intramurals Director Bo Steele explained. Steele stepped up as director when former director, Vinson Metcalf, scored the position of head coach over the men’s basketball team. Steele explained he is always open for new ideas.

“Maybe we’ll get a ping pong tournament started and maybe add softball to the mix,” he said. “Suggestions are welcome.”

Joining is as easy as just showing up. If you’re a first-timer and don’t know how to get involved, there are fliers hung in every building around campus with dates and times.

“It’s a come-and-go kind of thing. We do it just for fun, no competition,” Steele said. “Since it’s just for fun, there are no practices—and it’s free.”

If you’d like more information on intramurals or would like to contact the director about getting a new sport started, simply stop by Steele’s office on the second floor of the Lawson Clubhouse or e-mail him at

“Maybe we’ll get a ping pong tournament started and maybe add softball to the mix; suggestions are welcomed.”

To join, you just show up. “It’s a come and go kind of thing. We do it just for fun,” said Bo.

“Since it’s just for fun there are no practices—and it’s free.”