Embrace Being Independent On Valentine’s Day As It Approaches



Tabatha Klipp

As February begins, one holiday looms around the corner: Single Awareness Day (SAD), or, more formally, Valentine’s Day.  For those of us who don’t have a significant other, I’d like to offer some ways to spend the “love holiday” alone.

Whether it’s because you’re needy, you’re in dire need of a shower, or you’re strong and independent, the fact is you’re alone on the one holiday that celebrates couples. But don’t let that get you down! You’re free to do whatever the heck you want!

Spend the day pampering yourself. Walk around the house in sweats and don’t brush your teeth until noon (it’s not like you’ve got anyone to kiss). Watch “The Breakfast Club,” “Twlight,” or “The Fifth Element.”

If movies aren’t your fix, read that book you’ve been dying to read. Cuddle up next to the fire (or a computer screen displaying fire) and enjoy the time to yourself. Silence and serenity are good for the soul.

If you’re lucky enough to have a pet, then you’ve got a valentine! Treat your companion with a gift or snuggle time, unless your pet is something not so snuggly, like a fish, then look endearingly into the bowl that your fish inhabits. Trust me, it’s not creepy.

Now, if you’ve got a flock of single pals, you could celebrate Palentine’s day! Go hang out with friends and try not to cry about being #singlelikeapringle. You’re better than that.

No matter how you spend this bent holiday, remember that no human can fulfill you. If you love and respect yourself, then others will follow.