Bill Proposed To Make All Marriage Illegal To Prohibit Gay Marriage


Max Terrell

Recently a bill has been proposed that will make all marriage illegal. Yes, this is real. No, it is not a bad joke. The bill proposed by Republican Mike Turner would make all marriages in the state illegal if it is passed. The thought process behind such a bill is that the best way to stop gay marriage from ever being legal is by making all marriage illegal. Again, this is a real bill.

The issue of gay rights has become such a problem for this man that he would rather deny all individuals their right to marriage than allow same sex couples to be married. This bill might possibly be the most ridiculous piece of legislation that has ever been brought to the state.  Limiting individual’s rights is wrong whether they are straight or gay. If this bill somehow passes it would make the entire state of Oklahoma look like a disgrace.

Many newlyweds and people who have been married for years are outraged, but maybe there is a silver lining in all this. While the chances this bill would ever pass are slim, or at least I hope so, this issue might actually allow people to see what it’s like to have their rights restricted. You don’t want anyone telling you how you should live or who you should love, so why should you be able to dictate that for anyone else?

While this bill is one of the most ludicrous propositions I have ever heard, the real problem isn’t this bill’s stupidity. The problem is the fact that people in this country are still okay with discrimination. I would never tell someone whom to love because I wouldn’t want someone to do the same to me. I feel if I have the right to marry, so should anyone else. Same sex marriage doesn’t affect anyone. Whether you agree with it or not, we do not have the right to tell people how to live. I do not want my rights to be taken from me so why limit someone else’s?