The Last Day Of Make Marble Pay Is April 11, No Entry Deadline

Teresa Foster

With more than 30% of Oklahomans overweight or obese, it is important to take advantage of the numerous organized weight-loss opportunities available.

Now in its fourth year, the Make Marble Pay initiative is one of those opportunities.   In an effort to improve the USAO campus community’s fitness, Dr. Dex Marble, vice president for academic affairs, has pledged to pay $10 for every pound lost.  The money goes to USAO’s general scholarship fund.

According to Assistant Dean of Students Chris Basco, “Last year Dr. Marble wrote a check to the scholarship fund for $6,340.”  Basco is the Make Marble Pay program coordinator.  His office is located in the back of the Nobbs Wellness Center on the second floor of the Student Center building.

As a result of the Make Marble Pay program, a total of 634 pounds were lost in 2013, more than twice the 249 pounds lost in 2012.  This year Marble anticipates a total weight loss of 1,000 pounds.  With the final weigh-in on April 11 and no deadline for entry, that goal is a possibility.

“Improving the fitness of the staff and students is important,” said Marble.  “I am more than happy to invest in their fitness and the scholarship fund,” he said.

To continue fitness after final weigh-in, Marble encourages students to participate in the USAO Campus Garden project directed by Zach Simpson assistant professor.

Along with, scholarship fund dollars and improved participant’s fitness, individual prizes are also awarded.

In 2013, the three winners were senior mathematics major Dustin Barett from Godley, Texas; freshman business major Richard Bowen from Paoli, Oklahoma; and Sparks Hall and Residence Life Director Bo Steele.  They were each awarded an iPad mini.

This year four winners will receive a Fitbit Flex, a tracking device for fitness goals, and a $50 Hibbett Sport’s gift certificate.

Looking to grab a golden apple, program participant Heather Heck, a senior art major from Chickasha, added a new activity to her fitness quest.  She joined a weekly hiking group.   “Getting fit does not have to be a boring endeavor,” said Heck.