Are E-Cigs And Hookah As Bad As Cigarettes? The Oklahoma State Department of Health Thinks They Are Even Worse

Teresa Foster

Hookah pipes, electronic cigarettes (e-cigs), steam stones, and shisha pens are trendy nicotine delivery systems.

College campuses across the nation have recognized an increase in the use of these devices. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), hookah cafes and smoke bars can be found in many college towns.

Remember Alice’s Cheshire Cat?

These products have an exotic appeal and are often used as social aphrodisiacs.

The myth that they are safer than cigarettes, however, gives smokers a false sense of security. The process of the nicotine being delivered in a “filtered” vapor is the basis for the “safer than cigarettes myth.”

Recent research has debunked this myth.

The CDC reports that the “amount of smoke inhaled during a typical hookah session is about 90,000 milliliters (ml), compared with 500-600 ml inhaled when smoking a cigarette.”

In addition, the CDC notes that these nicotine and non-nicotine inhalation systems produce second hand smoke or vapor containing carbon monoxide, tar, arsenic, lead, and nickel.

According to the Oklahoma State Department of Health, the water process does not filter out dangerous chemicals. In fact, it results in significantly higher inhalation of toxic substances than cigarette smoking.

One small vial of the nicotine oil used in e-cigs contains enough toxins to kill an adult. This oil is poisonous when ingested or absorbed through the skin.

The bottom line is that nicotine is nicotine and smoke inhalation is deadly to healthy human cells.