You’re Not In High School Anymore: Britton


Britton Brewer

[You’re Not in High School Anymore is a special three part series.]

I had finally made it through to the end of my public school years.  I was excited to experience college life.  I knew I wouldn’t miss walking through the halls of that old high school building.  I was ready and able to be out on my own in a new place, meeting new people.

I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do. I just knew that it would not involve math or science.  So, I jumped into Communication with the idea of being a photojournalist or something along those lines.

I thought I needed to graduate as early as possible and try to get right into a career, but I learned later that I college isn’t something to be rushed through.  At USAO I have had the chance to take classes that changed my career choice several times, I have met friends who will last a lifetime, and experienced what it means to really study and better myself.

As a student here, first, always remember that you don’t have to graduate early.  Take your time with classes and find out what you truly enjoy doing.  You may find that your plans change entirely.

Next, work hard in everything you do.  Your work ethic shows to everyone, especially your teachers.  If they see you trying, they are more likely to work with you when you have trouble.  Also, do this for yourself.  They work force today is competitive, and most employers will take hard work over talent every time.

Finally, always have time for good friends.  People are important.  I have learned that no matter what job I choose, there will always be people to work with.  Your friends in college have an effect on everything from your grades to your health whether you think so or not.  Keep good, honest friends who will encourage you and also act crazy with you when you need a study break.  However, don’t fail classes from staying out too late!

Just remember to always keep your priorities straight and you will find success.