One of the Best Independent Studies


USAO graphic by Harrison Stone

Harrison Stone, Managing Editor

It was a long spring semester, and you probably want badly to enjoy some downtime. Someone asks you, “Are you doing summer classes?” Without missing a beat, you answer, “Are you kidding me?”

Summer courses seem like an extra hassle or added stress. Are they though? NOPE! Many who go participate in summer courses tend to view classes as more relaxed, easier to accomplish, and more fun. I, Harrison Stone, believe that summer courses are colleges’ best-kept secret. They are short and good for getting those pesky classes you don’t look forward to out of the way. Sometimes you even find classes in the summer that are a joy to be in.

Here at USAO, we have a short session before the official summer semester: Independent Studies. These classes range from all sorts of things from science to arts. This period of classes has some of the most unique courses you can take at USAO. A particularly great class that was held for Independent Studies this summer was Emotional Fitness Bootcamp.

For the purposes of making you really excited about attending the next Independent Studies, I will explain what Emotional Fitness Bootcamp is all about. Dr. Misty Steele, Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of Student Success, hosts this class for students of all majors. When asked what the purpose of the class was, she answered, “It’s about improving the way we feel and interact in the world.”

The whole class is based on important self-management techniques to help the individual grasp perspective and take agency in their world, rather than being easily tossed around by the winds of trouble or strife.

Wow! That sounds important and complex. Here is the kicker—It’s only one week. Dr. Steele has worked to make sure this class is understandable to all majors, not just psych majors. She reframes it to be less theoretical and more practical. So, in one week she gives a whole class that leaves you to your summer fun sooner while also walking away with awesome psychological lessons. This year she held one Zoom meeting and then had pre-recorded lectures for students to watch during the week. A new addition to the class, which seemed to do well, is a live commentary feature on the lecture videos for the class. They all had to write down and comment about what they have learned and their thoughts. This leads to fun conversation and insights.

Here is a sneak peek at something you would learn: PAUSE. Don’t walk into an environment with unattainable expectations. This course focuses on self-assessing our actions to avoid unfortunate social circumstances like losings your temper or lashing out which could damage important relationships and hinder achieving your goals.

There is so much to this class that we can enjoy and truly learn from. Don’t miss out next summer.

Here is a link to a College Ave Student Loans article about summer semesters and why you should do it:,toward%20finishing%20your%20degree%20sooner%3F

Harrison Stone is a senior at the Univesity of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.