The Student News Site of University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

The Trend

The Student News Site of University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

The Trend

The Student News Site of University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

The Trend

Be cautious at crosswalks!

“Crosswalk” (Comic Strip)

Destin Travis, Contributing Artist May 20, 2024

As usual, Destin's ideas spawn from real life situations and experiences. The Trend's advice is to be patient, polite, and careful when crossing the street.   Destin Travis is a second-year...

Charles walks in to see a psychic and was surprised by what she said.

“The Psychic” (Comic Strip)

Destin Travis, Contributing Artist April 17, 2024

Some artists say their work came to them in a dream, and this time Destin really means it. The idea for "The Psychic" literally came to Destin in a dream, and then he made it a reality.   Destin...

In Destins recent comic his characters discover that stairs are killer.

“Stairs” (Comic Strip)

Destin Travis, Contributing Artist March 1, 2024

Destin said he took inspiration from a conversation he had with a friend about having no spatial awareness.   Destin Travis is a first-year art major at the University of Science and Arts of...

Someone cuts in line ahead of you. What do you do? Destin explores his reaction in this four-panel comic.

“Minimal Confrontation” (Comic Strip)

Destin Travis, Contributing Artist February 15, 2024

Destin said this is another true story about how he typically strays away from confrontation.   Destin Travis is a first-year art major at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.

This four panel comic ends tragically as the pizza splats on the persons face.

“An Epic Pizza Pull” (Comic Strip)

Destin Travis, Contributing Artist February 6, 2024

Destin said this comic was based on a true story.   Destin Travis is a first-year art major at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.

Heres three Christmas puns to solve on Christmas Day! Happy holidays!

“Some More Christmas Puns” (Comic Strip)

Thomas Buchanan, Contributing Artist December 25, 2023

In a continuation from last Christmas, Thomas sketched out a few more pun for the holiday season. The Trend wishes you and your loved ones a happy holiday season!   Thomas Buchanan is a second-year...

Happy holidays from Nezbit and Crow!

A Nezbit Christmas

Destin Travis, Contributing Artist December 22, 2023

Destin took inspiration from his own holiday experiences with his family to create this comical and authentic comic! Destin Travis is a first-year art major at the University of Science and Arts of...

Happy last day of finals, Drovers!

“Exam-plosion” (Comic Strip)

Destin Travis, Contributing Artist December 8, 2023

Destin made this comic to illustrate students' feelings of relief and burnout that comes after finishing their last final. Happy last day of finals, Drovers! Enjoy your winter break and refresh before...

Crow and Nezbit caught a new friend in their trap from the last comic.

“New Beast Friend” (Comic Strip)

Destin Travis, Contributing Artist December 1, 2023

In Destin's last comic, Crow and Nezbit set up a trap in the woods. Now the pair has a new beast friend! Destin said he drew inspiration from his own family. He said he wasn't sure if his family needed...

Crow and Nezbit wander out into the forest and set up an elaborate trap to catch an elusive monster.

“The Monster Hunt” (Comic Strip)

Destin Travis, Contributing Artist November 17, 2023

Destin said for this comic he drew inspiration from his family. Destin's grandfather and brother enjoy taking hunting trips out into the woods, and Destin said he wanted to set the scene for his upcoming...

The Spork in the Stone story continues, as the great evil begins its monsterous rampage.

“The Spork, the Stone, and AI Art” (Comic Strip)

Destin Travis, Contributing Artist November 10, 2023

Destin returns with another comic in "The Spork in the Stone" saga. In this comic, readers see the great evil, who has recently been released, is causing chaos as it begins to sell AI art.   Destin...

The prompt from Oct. 4 was Dodge.

Inktober (Illustrations)

Thomas Buchanan, Contributing Artist October 31, 2023

Inktober is a way for artists to sharpen their skills and challenge themselves to come up with a drawing based on a daily one-word prompt list for the month of October. Many art students find it hard to...

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