Don’t Forget These Important Deadlines Coming Up On February 7

January 30, 2014
You know school has started when you’re bombarded with deadlines, and two important ones are on the horizon for USAO students.
Feb. 7 marks the last day to apply for spring graduation and the last day to withdraw with a “W.”
USAO Registrar Joe Evans said applying for graduation by Feb. 7 is crucial in order to “make plans for graduation knowing how many students will be graduating.”
Evans said graduation applications undergo two reviews, one by the registrar’s office and one by the student’s adviser. The student must meet state requirements and those of the student’s choice of major.
Since USAO does not have a summer graduation, summer graduates get to participate in the spring graduation. In order to accommodate students and their families comfortably in the auditorium, USAO holds two spring graduation ceremonies.
Such an early deadline is required for seniors because having two graduations calls for the registrar’s office to make double the preparations. The registrar’s office has to decide which students will be attending which ceremony as well.
Students also need to order robes, diplomas, and tickets early enough to make corrections to any misprints or wrong sizes.
For all students, Feb. 7 is the last day to drop a class with a withdrawal (“W”). The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSHRE) requires the automatic “W” drop date must be set at or before the end of the fifth week of the semester.
“By that time student[s] should be able to see how they’re doing with a certain class,” said Evans.
Dropping a class after Feb. 7 will require the teacher to give the student either a “W Fail” or a “W Pass.” According to Evans, a “W Fail” (“WF”) goes on the student’s record as an “F” and contributes toward his or her grade point average (GPA). A “W Pass” (“WP”) goes on the student’s record as a withdrawal, which neither hurts nor helps the student’s GPA.