Be Content in Chickasha

Katie Fikes

“There is nothing to do in Chickasha.” If I had a penny every time I heard that uttered from an USAO student, I would be able to pay one trimester’s tuition.  People say it all the time, and I am definitely guilty of it as well.

However, if we sat down and thought about it, there is plenty to do in Chickasha.

What students really should be saying is, “There’s not enough places in Chickasha to spend my money.”

Growing up in Marlow, Oklahoma, Chickasha was a huge town.  I’m not joking.  I remember times when we had errands to run in Chickasha.  This was like driving to The City for a young Marlowian and I was so amazed.

Chickasha had far more fast food restaurants and even a few “sit down” ones.  Hotels, car dealerships, movie theaters, and a Wal-Mart all were signs of city life to me; all of which Chickasha had.  Therefore, it was a city.  It had more than three stoplights for Pete’s sake.

Now I know the perception of an elementary age kid is not usually the correct one.  College kids have more freedoms and obviously can do more, but really what else do we need?

Chickasha has food.

It may not be the fine dining prepared for movie stars, but why waste our money on more exquisite food when we really only need it for survival.  You guys are probably thinking that I am a crazed lunatic right now.

I’m not saying that one can or should survive solely on Mickie D’s and Taco Bell.  However, especially if you live in Lawson Court, cooking your own food is easy, cheap, and possibly healthy.  Save your money and eat in.  If you do that there is no reason to complain about what food accommodations Chickasha does or does not have.

Also, erase your preconceived notion that eating in the cafeteria is nasty and uncool like it was in high school.  It is perfectly acceptable to eat and even “hangout” in the newly renovated cafeteria.  Oh, and don’t forget about Scooter’s, or Dusty’s for you newbies.

Chickasha has entertainment.

I think the biggest complaint that people have is about the small selection of entertainment Chickasha has to offer.  Nightclubs, go cart courses, professional sport arenas, and shopping centers don’t line the streets.  That’s easy to see, however, let’s step back from the situation and think about it for a second.

Everything I just mentioned costs money.

When was the last time hanging out with friends was ever boring or a terrible choice at the end of the day?  Hopefully the answer is never.  While going to the club or going shopping is not an individual affair and you do go with friends, why not just be content with what there is and save a little money.  Events on campus don’t necessarily happen every day, but I venture to say that there is something once a week.  These events might not be “up your alley” but college is about discovering yourself, so why not do it while you have friends who are in the same boat as you by your side?

How I see it, as long as you’re doing something with good close friends it doesn’t matter what you’re doing.

Having said all this, I guess what I’m trying to say is that although USAO is considerably smaller than OSU, OU, or OCU there is always something to do.  You may not find five star restaurants or go bar hopping every night, but Chickasha has nonetheless sincere and genuine fun.

Next time you catch yourself complaining about the size of Chickasha slow down and think; all you really want to do is make memories with your friends.  Entertainment opportunities will arise with being content with what there is to offer.  Simply seek those opportunities out.

So, maybe I wasn’t far off when I was younger.  Chickasha is as enormous as the tri-city area because wherever you and your friends are is as enormous as the tri-city area.