National Media Convention: First Night in New Orleans

The Trend staff has already started exploring New Orleans and what it has to offer.

Katie Fikes

We’re bound for New Orleans. 

After an early morning start, a few Dramamine pills, and two planes we arrive in The Big Easy.  On the way to our hotel, our shuttle driver showed us the must sees of the city, which we would never be able to cover in a single weekend.

We arrive at our hotel.

We are free to do as we please!

We eat our authentic Cajun dinner and split into groups who have different interests and perspective of a good time in the city.

My group: live music!

It is everywhere! Sounds of different instruments ooze from bars and clubs into the roads and create a calm, soothing atmosphere even with the hustle and bustle of Bourbon Street.

Although the night has just begun for most people who come to “N’awlins” we are already in our hotel room resting for the long weekend ahead of us.