With Spring Break coming up on the horizon, college students everywhere are preparing for procrastination, relaxation, and enjoyment as they get away from their studies. This is a great opportunity to participate in those activities, however, The Trend knows not everyone wants to take a break. Sure, going to those wild Spring Break parties on the beach can be exciting to attend, but it’s important to know how to stay safe and courteous for yourself and others while participating in those events.
One of the most important things all people should do before traveling to a party is to tell family or close friends where they are going. The Trend knows not everyone has cool parents who allow their children to go to these scenes, but it’s significant to at least let one person know where you are. Along with this, having a buddy system or going with friends will make the party-attending process safer for everyone involved. Just make sure your group of friends let someone who is not attending the party know where you all are, because it is unknown what events can take place at a party and that could lead to danger for you and your friends.
Another thing to consider while attending these spring break gatherings is to limit alcohol consumption. The Trend understands that this may sound ridiculous to all partygoers, but it is a valuable point that will keep you protected and having an enjoyable time. It’s beneficial to limit the amount of alcohol at parties because you will be able to stay aware and alert to other attendees of the party. Not everyone has good intentions at these spring break parties and keeping an eye out for this could be the saving grace from having a bad experience.
The last tip The Trend will mention to keep everyone safe during spring break is to ensure healthy habits before, during, and after each party. No one wants to spend part of their time lying in bed feeling sick from a hangover. Practicing healthy habits such as drinking plenty of water and eating well can be beneficial to having a great party night and feeling rested the following morning. Before thinking about grabbing fast food after the party or only consuming mixed drinks during the night out, consider eating a healthy meal and drinking water between every one to two alcoholic beverages during spring break.
The Trend is excited to enjoy spring break this trimester and encourages everyone to have a safe, relaxing, and fun time. If you are avid about attending those parties, be sure to let someone know where you will be, don’t overdo it on alcohol, and practice healthy habits along the way. You will want to come back to campus energized and ready to go for the rest of the spring trimester.
Gary Jackson is a fourth-year communication major at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.