USAO’s Student Government Association (SGA) will be holding its next election for executive positions this Thursday, March 13. Monday evening, the candidates for the SGA cabinet met for a town hall to discuss why they believe they deserve your vote.
Who is running for what?
Secretary: Thomas Buchannan
Treasurer: Trinity Albao-Cozad
Vice President: Natasha Fryover, Niccolas Manning, Trinity Chatman
President: Dilly Guillen
As the town hall began, candidates got to express their past history in leadership and why they think they are a good fit for the role. The candidates were given two minutes but could end early if they chose.
As the sole candidate for Treasurer, Trinity Albao-Cozad began her speech with her current leadership roles. She is the current treasurer for SGA and also is the President of the Droverthon committee. As treasurer, Albao-Cozad wants to continue giving back to USAO in a leadership position and do what she can to help SGA in future initiatives.
“I am currently serving as treasurer for SGA and would like to do it again. I am also the president of Droverthon which is coming up. I encourage all of you to register for Droverthon as well as vote me for treasurer,” said Albao-Cozad.
Thomas Buchanan is the only candidate for secretary but is invested in his role. He’s previously been treasurer for other campus organizations, and in his speech, said that he saw the role of secretary as a great way to get involved in campus leadership that was different from his past experience.
“I’m excited to have this opportunity to continue playing a part in SGA and continue doing what I can to serving our campus community. I want to not only uphold what our exec team has done so far, but expand on the great things we’ve been doing, and make sure the campus is involved every step of the way.”
Next up came the vice-presidential candidates. The three candidates were again given two minutes each to give their reasoning as to why the student body should vote for them, followed by questions from the crowd.
Natasha Fryhover as Vice-President would put focus towards uplifting the campus environment. She wants to increase SGA’s spending budget to $10,000 to continue supporting clubs and events around campus as well as add more recreation areas for students around campus.
“I want to make this place feel more like home for students. I care about transparency and accountability both for students and staff members. I want to ensure that SGA continues initiatives they’ve started this year as well as ensure that student’s opinions continue to matter in decision making processes.”
For Trinity Chatman, she is looking to continue the initiatives SGA has been pushing for the past year and get more to continuously improve campus life. She wants to help make USAO a place that people hear about and desire to come to and sees fixing sidewalks, prioritizing mental health with another counselor on campus, and improving daily life for students.
“There is so much good we can do that will directly improve life on campus for students…I want people to see our university and go ‘They’re having a lot of good stuff happening over there, I want to be a part of that.’ This can only be done with someone who has no limits on their imagination and sees the sky, not as the limit, but as something to break through,” said Chatman.
Niccolas Manning believes he’s the right fit for Vice-President as he’s shown in past campus leadership roles that he can put ideas into action. As head of the Drover Den committee, he has begun the process of renovating the Drover Den and thinks he’s an example of how anyone can make an impact on campus.
“I want to be your voice. Even with the Drover Den, that wasn’t my full idea. A freshman came up to me one day and told my it looked bleak, and I told them, ‘I’ll see what I can do,” said Manning. “My mission is to make a safe place, build a home, make a better environment.”
Last to speak on the night was the candidate for SGA president, Dilly Guillen. Guillen is currently the SGA Senator of Education and Speech Pathology and has worked in numerous jobs around campus. Guillen wants to see things get done. As president, he wants to see initiatives started by previous executives completed and put new ones in action. He also wants to bring awareness to the unique speech pathology program that USAO offers, as there are very few other schools in the nation that do similar work.
“[USAO] wasn’t my number one choice; it was my only choice. I love this campus. If you vote for me, I will try my hardest to improve campus. You’re not only electing me but my network of people, those people are the same ones that love this campus. I know so many students want to make USAO a strong and amazing campus,” said Guillen.
SGA Election Day is March 13, from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., so be sure to check your email and cast your vote on your next SGA executives.
Matthew Yokum is a third-year communication major at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.