The Ultimate Frisbee Club (UFC) and Zeta Zeta Zeta (ZZZ) are hosting an ultimate frisbee tournament Wednesday, October 23 at 5 PM in the Oval. This tournament allows for returning and new players to show off their skills and win some fun prizes.
UFC President Gary Jackson looks forward to hosting and coordinating this event. He talked about the importance of organizing such an event for him and the club.
“We have wanted to host an ultimate frisbee tournament for years. We always talk about having a tournament and having new people come out to the sport, and I figured let’s stop talking about it and do something,” said Jackson.
He also stated that players should be prepared to stretch, run around, and know the basics for throwing a frisbee. For new players, the referees and experienced players will show them the basics of throwing a frisbee and tell them step-by-step how to play the game. This tournament is open to everyone on campus including faculty and alumni.
Each game will be played to five points or whichever team has the most points at 15 minutes of play. The less experienced teams will be put against similar teams to ensure fairness in their first matchups for the tournament. Five members from each team will be on the field at a time. Each team is allowed one alternate player as well and each team must have at least one female on the field at all times.
If a game is still tied after 15 minutes of play, the tiebreaker will be a “throw-off” where two members from each team will attempt to throw a frisbee the farthest down the field. Whoever has the longest throw will be the winner of that game and advance in the tournament. This will also be a single-elimination tournament.
President of ZZZ Brook Mathers, is excited to partner up with UFC for this event. This is the first time that both clubs have collaborated on a campus event.
“We want to advertise to everybody and let everyone know they are welcome to participate,” said Mathers.
Each member of the winning team will walk away with a college survival basket made by ZZZ. Mathers is designing the winning baskets that each player will receive if they win. These baskets include drinks, snacks, tide pens, chapstick, and more.
Along with winning the college survival baskets, the team will receive the “Ultimate Frisbee Championship Belt” for winning the tournament.
“I strongly encourage everyone to come out if you have ever been curious about Ultimate Frisbee. This will be a great time for it,” said President Jackson.
Sign-ups will close Tuesday, Oct. 22 at midnight to allow each team to be placed in brackets for the event. Players are strongly encouraged to sign up to secure their spot in the tournament. If you would like to sign up for the event, please click on this link. USAO Ultimate Frisbee Club/ Zeta Zeta Zeta’s Ultimate Frisbee Tournament – Google Forms
If you have any other questions, please feel free to email the UFC club at or contact them at their Instagram page @usao.ultimate.
Elyanne Kenney is a third-year psychology major at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.