It is almost Fall Break and students know what that means: midterms. Approaching the seventh week of school, The Trend wants to inform you on what to expect.
First off, every class’s midterm will be different. Different days, different formats, and different ways of taking the midterms.
The Trend feels like midterms are to give you an insight on what the final may look like and to see how well you are doing in the classes.
Midterm grades can be found my logging into yout MyUSAO account, clicking on academics, and finding the section labelled “My Grade Report.” Here students can find their midterm grades, and eventually their final grades. Midterm grades are due Monday, Oct. 16.
“College just wants to scare you because midterms is a bigger word for a test,” Zachary Robinson, a theater art major, said.
Some tips The Trend suggests is to:
- Create a study plan and stay with it.
- Study in an environment that works for you.
- Form a study group with the other people in your class.
- Ask your professors any questions that come up.
- Visit the Student Success Center (SSC) if you are in need of extra help.
The Trend feels like that the SSC is a good place to study if you thrive in a quiet work space. The hours for the SSC are Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.
“I study by taking notes on important material. I like to study on my own because it is hard coordinating around people’s schedules,” Zakery Conover, a theater art major, said.
Once you find a study method that works for you, stick to it. Additionally, trust your gut, take a breath, and don’t overstress over your midterms.
The Trend wishes you best of luck.
Cassie Srock is a first-year communication major at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.