USAO’s Student Government Association (SGA), will host Election Night in the ballroom, on the second floor of the Student Services building, Thursday, Sept. 21. The event will elect new class and department senators, as well as several activities and free food. A definite time has not been decided for the event yet, but further details will be sent out via email.
Election Night allows all students to have a voice and participate in the voting process as well as meet and interact with the candidates.
“What we hope to get is a more diverse student body willing to make substantial change for their constituents’ education,” SGA President Chandler Leamon-Webb said.
This year’s Election Night will provide many activities ranging from Just Dance to Family Feud as well as serving pizza throughout the event. The SGA executives highly encourage students to come participate in the games and share their voice in voting that will take place that evening.
“I’m looking most forward to engagement from students on election night,” SGA Vice President Ryan Moses said. “Last year when I was running for freshman senator, the atmosphere had this incredible energy.”
For more information follow SGA on Instagram (@usaosga).
Bella Wilson is a second-year business management major at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.