Welcome, Drovers! Happy first week of classes! We are all so happy to see our returning and new students back walking through the Oval and our historic buildings.
The fall trimester is always full of exciting new beginnings, as well as crammed schedules and study sessions. As you settle into your home away from home, I wanted to extend a warm welcome to you all!
The Trend and I are not the only ones to extend that welcome. After the flurry of activities during Admissions’ Science and Arts Welcome Week (SAWW), Cynthia Fuston, coordinator for student engagement, sent an email out to the student body with a list of events for the first week of classes.
Fuston’s sneak peak of activities starts with Pizza on the Patio Monday, Aug. 28 at 6 p.m. The hour and a half event will provide free pizza to all the students who attend the event.
Tuesday, Aug. 29 welcomes students to attend one of the many athletic events held on campus. USAO’s volleyball team will challenge MACU in the Drover Fieldhouse at 6 p.m., and snow cones will be available as students cheer on their fellow Drovers. Following the exciting matchup, students can make their way to Dusty’s for Dusty’s After Dark trivia night. A good time is always guaranteed at trivia night!
Next on the list is the Back to School Bash Wednesday, Aug. 30 at 5:30 p.m., in which The Trend will be in attendance along with USAO’s other clubs and organizations. The bash is a unique way to gather all the clubs in one area to share information with students and encourage them to get involved on campus. Make sure to keep an eye out for myself and Paul Tointigh as we man a booth! The event also includes inflatables and root beer floats, which are two things you simply cannot miss!
Thursday, Aug. 31 marks the long-awaited Street & Greet event, which will be located in downtown Chickasha on Chickasha Ave between 2nd and 3rd streets. The event will have live music, inflatables, food trucks, vendors, community resources, local businesses, and art exhibits. Street & Greet begins at 6 p.m. and runs until 8:30 p.m.
Thursday will also see The Trend’s first meeting of the fall trimester! The meeting will be in Nash Library’s Music Pocket at 2 p.m. For the first meeting, the editors will welcome everyone, explain our goals, and catch up with writers. The Trend hosts meetings every Thursday throughout the fall.
Finally, to cap off a busy week, the Donut Man will be parked in the Oval from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 1, selling his delectable donuts for those who roll out of bed early enough!
To stay updated on all of USAO’s important information and more follow The Trend’s social media accounts, including Instagram (@thetrendusao), Twitter (@thetrend_usao), and Facebook (The Trend). On all of our social medias Opal, our owl, will be present! Also, you can reach out through our email, trend@usao.edu.
Again, welcome to campus and we can’t wait for a great year with you all!
Emily Loughridge is a third-year communication major at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.