Editor’s Note – March 27, 2023
Editor-in-Chief, Emily Loughridge updates students about the week’s schedule, discusses The Trend over the summer, and provides a few reminders.
March 27, 2023
Who can believe it is already the last week of March? As April approaches, it really does feel like the entire spring is winding down quickly. Yet the deadlines do not reflect that! As we get closer to the summer, The Trend has been asked several times if we will continue to write over the summer months. Of course, we will! The Trend uses the summer to branch outside of campus and experiment with different article topics. Our goal is to keep the summer very laid back, so expect fewer articles compared to the fall or spring weeks, but we plan to stay very active.
Enough about the upcoming months, what is happening with The Trend this week? I brought my camera out of retirement for a photo essay, which will splash across the front page early this week. Over Spring break, a group of us traveled to the Wichita Mountains. Learn more about our day trip, how you can escape from campus, and enjoy various photos from our trip in this upcoming photo essay.
Paul Tointigh has spent the first week back from Spring back in the field talking to students about the spring production. This trimester students will put on a musical titled “A Man of No Importance,” which will have its opening night March 30th at 7:30 p.m. in The Little Theatre in Davis Hall. To learn the backstage information, make sure to read Tointigh’s article.
The middle of this week will also feature an article from Bea Bourland, in which she treks through USAO’s habitat. This area of USAO is used for many different purposes and provides a hands-on way of learning for many students. To learn about everything going on at the habitat study Bourland’s article.
To end the month of March on a high note, Tointigh reviews the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ latest album “Unlimited Love.” He talks about several of the songs in the album and compares them to the typical sounds listeners expect from this iconic band. Overall, how did Tointigh rate the album? Swipe onto our social medias Friday for the answer.
If you have a suggestion, question, or idea for The Trend please email us at trend@usao.edu. Our editors and writers manage hectic schedules, like many students on campus, and while we want to make sure every event and idea is covered, it helps us to have all the ideas in one place. If you want a more face-to-face approach our office is in Davis Hall 117, our policy is that if the door is open please come on in! If you just want to stay up to date on the abundance of events on campus check out our social media platforms. Our owl, Opal, will be present across Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Also, for clubs and events on campus please tag us in your posts and stories! We want to help share all happenings across campus and it makes it easier if we are tagged! Plus, The Trend loves seeing all the artwork and information everyone posts!
As always, have a great week Drovers! Enjoy the last day of March and welcome the spring weather. Don’t forget to drink lots of water, get enough sleep, and get outside.
Emily Loughridge is a second-year Communication major at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.