Editor’s Note – Feb. 27, 2023

Laura Barrios Bardi

Editor-in-Chief Emily Loughridge starts her countdown to spring break, and mentions a few articles viewers can expect this week.

Emily Loughridge, Editor-in-Chief

Has anyone else started counting down the days until spring break? For those that haven’t, it’s nine days of classes until a week of no classes! While this is an exciting look at the next few weeks, we still have to survive it first. That time does also include midterms, so good luck to everyone who has a test or presentation before spring break.

Once again, this past weekend had an abundance of athletic events, including basketball, baseball, and softball. Remember that all USAO students get into these events for free, so make sure to get out and support your fellow Drovers and enjoy some sunshine! In case you happened to miss these events, make sure to look at Preston Palm’s recaps of the games and Laura Barrios Bardi’s photos.

Looking towards this week on The Trend, I wrote an article detailing the various nominations The Trend entered into a journalism excellence conference and how it is a historic moment for this publication. The dozen students, along with The Trend’s advisor, Dr. J.C. Casey, will travel to this conference in mid-April to see which students and works were selected as winners in their respective categories.

Kaylee Ragon is also publishing her debut article later in the week where she details the Child Development Center on campus. She discusses what the center is, what is does on a daily basis, and how it benefits both children and USAO’s students.

Friday will wrap up another busy week at The Trend with a movie review by Dante Laws. He dives into the iconic “Forrest Gump” film and looks deeper into the themes of the movie. What are his thoughts?

Other events that are happening this week are Giles Symposium March 3rd at 6:00 p.m. This event requires you to register before the event, so make sure you do so! A best-selling author, David Grann, and a lawyer, Hannibal B. Johnson, will be speaking at the event.

Another event is the 13th annual Drover Difference Day, which is a day of service that allows USAO’s campus to make a difference throughout the Chickasha community. There are so many ways to make a difference so make sure you contact Student Services to find a way!

To make sure you stay caught up on all of The Trend’s posting, make sure to follow The Trend’s Instagram (@thetrendusao), Twitter (@thetrend_usao), and Facebook (The Trend). All articles are posted on these platforms, along with other updates about campus and its student body.

As a reminder, our office is in Davis Hall 117, and I encourage everyone to stop by and make a connection with The Trend. This publication is here to represent the students and their voices, and that is only possible if The Trend hears from USAO’s student body.


Emily Loughridge is a second-year Communication major at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.