Does Social Media Occupy too much Time?

With all of the various social media platforms, are people spending too much time on them?

Jordan Detherage

Is social media a big part of your daily life?

In this generation, social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat are extremely popular. People put their whole lives on social media. They post personal information, opinions on topics, and the events that will be going on in their day.

These social media platforms occupy a lot of time for some people, but the question is: is it occupying too much time?

Caitlin Hall, junior history major, said she has about five different social media apps on her phone and gets on them 10-plus times a day. Getting on social media so often could possibly take you away from other things you should be doing.

“It can be a distraction in class, or when I am doing homework, or even when I am trying to go to bed,” said Tate Landmark, senior business management major.

Even though there is this negative connotation to social media, can there be a positive?

Hall said, “I think social media can be negative and distracting at times, but it’s also a way to keep up with our society today and stay connected to events.”

Shayla Lucas, junior PE and secondary education major, agreed with Hall in thinking that social media may be negative but also has its positives.

Lucas said she enjoys her social media because “everyone has them, and I am able to keep up with my distant friends and family.”

Many people have different views about social media and the effects they have on daily life. But what everyone’s opinion has in common is that even though they may be distracting they are positive in helping you keep in touch with distant friends and family, and staying in touch with daily activities.

Finding a balance is key, according to Bryan Sanchez, senior baseball player from Puerto Rico, who said, “It does not affect how I get things done because I prioritize myself into doing my work and going to practice and things like that.”