“Dear Fat People” (Video Review)

YouTube Star Nicole Arbour recently had a video taken down titled “Dear Fat People.”

Kaitlyn Dillard

Recently a YouTube star, Nicole Arbour, has thrown a fit because the video conglomerate took down an offensive video of hers titled “Dear Fat People”. The comedian tears apart the idea of what has become known as ‘fat shaming’. Arbour took to the offensive when her video was taken down claiming that YouTube was censoring her content.

Arbour states, “Fat shaming is not a thing. Fat people made that up. That’s a race card with no race.” I guess she hasn’t been reading the latest Vogue magazines or her tone would be a little different towards obesity.

Arbour attacks obesity with an attitude that is comparable to women getting a job in the 1950’s – with a rude sense of humor. In a world that is filled with photo shopped models and air brushed abs, you could imagine how ideals like Arbour’s could gain ground and attention. Social media and the media in general don’t help the cause when they create a self-confidence destroying atmosphere. That affects not only the youth but everyone that sees it. It’s only been in recent years where different body types have started to be considered beautiful.

It’s the same case as the Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus fight, people who are outside the issue are commenting and attacking those who deal with the setback of society’s views every day. A skinny white girl throwing her two cents in about obesity is ironic when the media glorifies her type of body style. So, how can she say that ‘fat shaming’ is not a thing when she isn’t a part of that lifestyle?

Arbour’s video just shows that the world still has an ignorant attitude towards obesity and what causes it. It shows that it’s still a common belief that it is bad habits and lazy behavior that cause it when in reality there are various causes for it. America has created a culture of assumption where people project their perceptions onto others and shame them, because Arbour is not alone in her shaming. If you search “Dear Fat People” on YouTube you will find video after video shaming people for being who they are.

Arbour perpetuates a hateful society where only people who look like her are allowed. YouTube took the right action in taking down her video.