USAO’s and OCCC’s Theater Departments Present “Cyrano”
Posters for the theater production could be spotted around campus.
November 13, 2016
USAO’s production of Frank Langella’s, Cyrano, is one for the books.
For the first time, USAO’s theatre department has teamed up with the theatre department at Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC) and are doing a co-production.
Based on the original play, Cyrano de Bergerac, Cyrano, is full of humor, action, and a love story that will tug on your heartstrings.
Full of witty jokes and humorous remarks, Cyrano had me laughing out loud. The dialogue flowed smooth and there were many parts where the characters did well at delivering the humor to the audience.
Throughout the play, the actors show off their sword fighting skills during the many action packed, fighting scenes. Those were probably some of the best moments of the play.
The overall aspect of the love story was heartwarming and heartbreaking through the entire show. Watching as Cyrano assist Christian in winning over Roxxanne’s heart was so relatable and makes you feel so much empathy towards Cyrano. Then watching as characters face loss and witness death first hand was heartbreaking.
The acting overall was quite good, and it was nice to see the OCCC students being able to interact with the USAO theater department and gain that experience of working in a larger scaled play. Though the length of the play was a bit long, and sometimes the storyline was hard to follow, the production was entertaining and full of action, romance, and witty humor.
Due to it being a co-production, Cyrano was held at USAO for one weekend and the next weekend it will be held at the OCCC campus in the Bruce Owen Theater. It was held November 10, 11, and 12. The next available shows will be at 7:30 p.m November 17, 18, and 19. It is $10 for regular admission; however it is free for USAO and OCCC students for each Thursday performance, as long as you present your student ID.
One can only hope that the next production that the USAO theater department puts on will be as good as this one.