Editor’s Note – Nov. 7, 2022
Managing Editor Emily Loughridge implores students, staff, faculty, or anyone else to take care of themselves (mentally, physically, and emotionally) as we move to the final weeks of the trimester. She also happily shares about two of this week’s upcoming articles and this week’s Writer Meeting on Wednesday.
November 7, 2022
As of today, there are 12 days of class left for this trimester. It’s easy to get lost and overwhelmed with all of the upcoming deadlines, events, studying, and the dreaded finals week. A gentle reminder that you can always reach out and ask for help, you do not have to take on everything by yourself, and to rely on your support system. Another reminder, take a step back and make sure to give yourself so attention; taking care of yourself emotionally, physically, and mentally is beyond crucial.
I would like to mention that this past weekend was Homecoming weekend, and with that came the induction of two USAO alumni and Communications majors, Lonnie Iannazzo and Chris Willard. After graduation both of these gentlemen left the state to achieve their dreams and after a few years they both found success in their respective fields. It was an honor to talk to both of them, ask for advice, and learn about their time here at USAO. I look forward to our paths crossing again soon!
Now, to the good stuff, what’s happening with The Trend this week? Paul Tointigh chatted with Katie Davis and a few cast members from “The Whale,” which will take stage November 18th and 19th! Late last week, I interviewed Abbi Buster about her recently finished mural in Canning Hall to find out her inspiration for the piece. We have a few other things up our sleeves, but you will have to check out our Instagram (@thetrendusao) or our website (https://trend.usao.edu/) to see what else we post this week!
As the trimester winds down, I want to remind everyone that we only have two Writer Meetings left for this year! It is never too late to join The Trend in any capacity! We are always looking for writers, artists, and photographers! Make sure you stop by Wednesday, November 9th, in Nash Library’s Music Pocket at 4 pm for our next meeting! I can’t wait to see you all there!
Thank you to everyone for your continued support of The Trend. It has been so much fun seeing The Trend grow, in the means of staff, published articles, and views. You all make the job worth it, so thank you!
Emily Loughridge is a second-year Communication major at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.