Editor’s Note – Oct. 3, 2022
Daniel Buster has worked with and for David Duncan in several capacities over the years, both in front of and behind the camera.
October 3, 2022
There are a few notes I have for this week’s publications; however, I would first like to congratulate the USAO student body for breaking the voter turn-out record in this year’s student government Senate Elections. It is always exciting to see student involvement rising, especially in regard to political action on campus. For more information, Hannah Dudleson wrote an excellent article that was published late last week.
This week, Bea Bourland will publish an article explaining more about student research endorsements, specifically featuring Delaney Medcalf and Tyler Lavey. Research endorsements are a great opportunity for students across disciplines to experience their academic fields, even at the undergraduate level, and allow students to impact those said fields at the same time.
Bourland has also interviewed Dr. Brenda Brown, dean of school of Humanities and IDS and the coordinator of study abroad, to explain the unique study abroad trip to Wales. The deadline to apply for this trip is tomorrow, so make sure to read the article and apply so you don’t miss out!
And finally, Dudleson is also back this week explaining Nash Library’s new laptop loan system for students who did not have prior access to the technology necessary to complete classwork as a college student.
I would lastly like to add a personal note about our upcoming event: “Opal On the Oval”. I have had the privilege of both studying under and working for David Duncan, and I would love to see his hard work rewarded. Come enjoy the fruits of his labor on October 24th at 7 pm and help us celebrate one of USAO’s finest!
Daniel Buster is a fourth-year Communication major at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.