Editor’s Note – Sept. 19, 2022
Managing Editor Emily Loughridge voices her excitement about student involvement this trimester.
September 19, 2022
As we enter the fifth week of classes, I want to share my gratitude towards all of our staff and readers. You all have made this trimester so much fun, as well as extremely busy. It feels like articles have been flying across Daniel and I’s desks and onto the website. Speaking of the website, Daniel took a majority of our staff’s photos last week and we have gathered bios from almost everyone! Go check out who all is on our staff and get to know them a little bit better!
Last week we posted four articles and three comics in three days, and we still have more content ready to go! This year boasts one of the fullest and most diverse staff pages the Trend has seen in a while. We have writers from so many different majors: Environmental Science, English Education, Political Science, and many more! We have already hit so many milestones this trimester and I am looking forward to hitting many more!
So, looking towards this week what can our readers expect? Caleb Smith will continue his coverage of USAO’s Men’s golf team as they hit the midway point of their fall season. Paul Tointigh reached out to the new freshmen and gathered their thoughts on the Freshman Seminar class. Finally, what is Handshake? I am sure you all have seen the posters, cards, and emails advertising it, so Kalep Glandon shares what he found!
Once again, the engagement the Trend has seen this trimester is truly inspiring! Daniel and I feel like we have built a small community within the Trend, and we want it to grow. Our office door, in Davis 117, is always open if you want to stop by and say “hello” or maybe pick up an article for yourself! There are many ways to engage and support the Trend. One of the biggest is through following our Instagram page, @thetrendusao, where you can see all of our articles, events, and more!
At the Trend, our mission is to educate, connect, and inspire our student body. What can you do to help us succeed in that mission?