The Final Lap
The flowers around campus are in full bloom around campus.
April 8, 2022
After Spring Break students often lose their motivation to finish out the trimester, but The Trend wants to remind everyone to not lose sight of their goals. With only two weeks left before finals week, The Trend wants to share some study tips and anti-procrastination methods.
First, if the spring air is calling your name, embrace it. Instead of being upset that you are not outside enjoying the warm breeze find a place to work on your assignments outside. You can find many places to work on homework around campus, such as the many benches lining the Oval, tables around Troutt Hall, and the poolside area at the Clubhouse. Another outdoor area to work on assignments would be the local Chickasha park, Shannon Springs, where the annual Christmas lights are held.
The first tip to stay motivated is to set specific, achievable goals. Setting goals and being able to see your progress throughout the final few weeks can help you go into finals week with a more positive mindset. The Trend also wants to remind students to talk positively to themselves. It is okay to not be perfect. Instead of telling yourself “I cannot do this”, try to say, “I can try this.”
Once you meet a goal you set, reward yourself. You worked hard to meet that goal and you deserve a reward. The Trend recommends rewards such as a walk around the Oval, a tasty snack, or maybe a small break before you start on your next goal. Using your family and friends as a support system is a good way to keep your goals in sight.
It is well-known that most college students are masters at procrastinating, but procrastination should not be anyone’s goal as the trimester comes to a close. The Trend recommends students stay organized and eliminate any distractions to assure their assignments will be completed before their due date. Another good tip is to prioritize assignments by making a weekly to-do list.
Finally, The Trend wants to remind all students that USAO offers many resources all around campus to support students as they continue their education. The tutors in the Student Success Center are always on hand to explain class content in more detail, answer questions, and be a friendly face. Professors, mentors, and advisors have office hours where they can also answer questions and talk to students.
Emily Loughridge is a Freshman Communication major at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.