Student Stress Levels

Emily Loughridge

Sophomore Kylie Milanic is utilizing Nash Library resources as she logs in her mandatory study hall hours for the week.

Emily Loughridge, Contributing Writer

Since midterms, the leaves have begun to fall, and the temperatures have started dropping. One thing that should not be falling at this point in the trimester is your grades. If you are stressing about your assignments, quizzes, or tests,  just know you are not alone. There are many people available on campus to assist you with anything you need.

The Trend wants students to know that there are services available to them. If your grades are suffering, now is the time to talk to your professors about how you can improve them.

Nash Library offers free tutoring sessions six days a week. To reserve your tutoring session, the library asks students to fill out an online form that is attached in their weekly emails. The library’s many programs put certified students in the classroom to aid other students in interdisciplinary courses. These certified students take detailed notes and offer study groups to those who want it.

USAO stresses staying mentally healthy and offers a wide variety of programs to ensure their student’s health. Nancy Hughes, dean of students on campus, is a certified counselor. Hughes’s career has allowed her to work closely with many different types of mental disorders.

At the midpoint of the trimester is when most students say they feel the most overwhelmed and overworked. Fall break provides a breather for most students but coming back to class afterwards proves to be a big challenge for many.

The Trend took a random, unscientific poll in the Lawson Clubhouse, asking students whether they felt overwhelmed and overworked at this point in the term. Of the 20 students who were polled, 16 said they felt overwhelmed. The other 20% stated that they currently felt balanced in their course loads and other activities.

After being asked the question, Kylie Milanic said, “Yes, always. My body is unwell. My brain is unwell too.” Milanic, a sophomore at USAO, said she is learning how to balance her course work and her softball requirements, which can be mentally and physically exhausting.

Although this poll is random and unscientific, The Trend believes it shows just how much stress students are under right now. The Trend wants students to know that help is available.


Emily Loughridge is a freshmen communication major from Union City, OK.