Matija Malenovic
Members of the Senior Project committee for the Class of 2025. From Left: Kaelynn Torres, Bella Wilson, Emily Loughridge, Luke Cantrell Not Pictured: Whitney Spitler, Harry Cracknell
The Class of 2025 Senior Gift Project Committee is getting closer to completing its goals, as they are laying down the foundation for the half-court basketball court beside the volleyball play area in the Lawson apartments. The Senior Gift Project Committee consists of Harry Cracknell, Luke Cantrell, Bella Wilson, Emily Loughridge, Kaelynn Torres, and Whitney Spitler.
The idea was sparked by Cracknell, as he wanted to start a committee with fellow graduating seniors to leave a positive mark on the university. After bouncing around ideas, they ultimately decided on a half-court basketball court that all students can use.
“I really hope this will inspire the next group of seniors to do something better and different,” said Cracknell.
Wilson has been the main person in charge of the logistics and building of the basketball court. She was able to have her father Troy Wilson support the project, which made it more affordable for the committee to find funding. Without this, this senior gift project may not have been possible.
“I have always enjoyed sports, and I think it is a great way to stay active and healthy, as well as a great way to socialize. I hope that this project enhances the sense of community at USAO,” said B. Wilson.
The basketball court began construction throughout spring break as the crew provided by T. Wilson dug out the placement for the court, placed rebar, and poured concrete. There are a few other aspects that will be completed as the spring trimester goes on with a mural painting on the court, the basketball goal, and a plaque to represent all class of 2025 seniors who donated to the project. The USAO art department and other art students will also have the opportunity to design this mural for the court. The final design must be sent in by April 5 to be considered for the mural.
The opening ceremony for the senior gift project will be May 2 to celebrate the accomplishments and showcase the basketball course.
All students are encouraged to donate to the project by donating $20.25 and spreading the word about the project to their friends. Those who would like to donate can use this link to support the senior gift project.
Elyanne Kenney is a third-year psychology major at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.

Ray Thomas-Lapham